Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Back in SA

Hello. I am here. Excellent:o)

I arrived here after a thrilling 43 hour journey. Connections and such went nice a smooth. I watched lots of movies (The Curious Case of Benji Button is not good! I actually didn't watch it on the plane, but I would still like to know why it's got such great reviews????)
The movies I did watch were all depressing movies:o( Two people fall in love, and one of them dies... Umm... The wrestler... and.. I can't remember what else I watched). The book I was reading had a sad ending. But I'm here now which makes everything all better:o)

Oh, let me say. Getting through SA customs is a breeze! I didn't have to take any electronics, toothpaste, phones, etc. out of my purse/carry on. When I walked through the buzzy thing (you know what I'm talking about) no one was on the other side. When my carry ons went through the X-ray, the lady behind it wasn't even looking at the screen because she was busy talking to someone else. Much better than Regina!!! But maybe they're a wee bit lax.

I'm looking forward to getting into a routine. I've started catching up on my lectures and I'm waiting for a friend to get back to me about a waitress job. I would like to do that ASAP and I think in my spare time I will help out with the church where ever they need me and if that doesn't fill enough time, I will look to volunteer somewhere else. Problem is with that is I don't have transport and there isn't any places to volunteer around here.

That is it for now. I'm thinking my life will get much more exciting and interesting by the end of the year.
I have told myself I will do a better job at updating my blog. I will try, even if it's about eating food because that is where I'm a viking:o)