I have been reading my blog once again.
This is a message to the "teenagers" that I wrote about quite awhile ago. When I was writing that blog I was not as "mature" as I am now... Hard to believe;)
But to you "teenagers." You are both now grown up and I've seen/heard that you have grown in love and maturity in leaps and bounds. What I wrote back then does not reflect who you have become today and it isn't how I see you now.
I leave it on because it reminds me who I was and it has shown me that I have grown as well. It also shows me that I still have a lot to learn and that it will never end.
Regardless of what has happened I love you and you are always in my thoughts and prayers.
I will be starting a new blog once again soon! It's kind of funny because I have said it a few times. I've been in limbo learning, growing and waiting.
In His timing.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Monday, April 2, 2012
New page, again
To those who still come by this site in hopes of a post. Nothing will happen my friends and it won't on ckcanada.com
I am taking a photojournalist course in Calgary, Canada and I had to do a photojournalist web page for marks. Not much is happening on there at the moment, but there's an explanation to what I will be doing and by the end of the year things will be changing. Can't wait.
Thank you to the regulars and the people that wait in anticipation. Things will be getting exciting once again:)
I am taking a photojournalist course in Calgary, Canada and I had to do a photojournalist web page for marks. Not much is happening on there at the moment, but there's an explanation to what I will be doing and by the end of the year things will be changing. Can't wait.
Thank you to the regulars and the people that wait in anticipation. Things will be getting exciting once again:)
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Thursday, October 21, 2010
New Spot
Hey all who still visit:o) I'm no longer going to use this for my blogspot.. I will be changing sites and I don't even know what it is yet;o) So I will be silent for a couple months.. nothing new, eh? But when all is going I'll tell you where you can go.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
I really, really got to blog more!
Here I am.. Writing my blog.. Thinking what I can say..
Good new, my battery charger is still working. I thought my adapter had it, but it's still got some miles left...
Well I'm moving once again in about two weeks. I
have got myself another job. I am now the proud employee at Zara's cafe. When I came here I was set that I was never ever going to waitress again. Well the dream
came to a
n end about 3 weeks ago. If I ever want to move out, I had to get another job. But it's not too bad:o)
Before I move, here are some pictures of where I'm living. It's lekker!!!
I will be moving in with my friend Sharnie (She's the lady in the rock climbing photo's) from the church. I have been looking for places but there is absolutely nothing available. Because of the FIFA World Cup, people are renting their places to the foreigners. They gonna cash it big time!!! After FIFA is done, I'll be looking for my own place.
These photo's are a wee bit of their house (my favourite is their bathroom!! Look at it!!) And the little room is mine. The best part of the room is the air conditioner. Something that everyone should have in the summer here!

And I'm going to Canada for a visit in June!! Yipee! I can't wait. And I especially can't wait to chow buffalo chicken wings. I don't know why, but the would be on my top things that I miss. Sad, eh??!!
Sheesh, just look at that!!!!

And I've been getting into rock climbing since I've been here and I'm loving it! I went to my first cliff yesterday with a few friends.
Well I don't know how to write below the photo's??? So till next time I should be moved out and I will try to make an effort to blog more.. Ciao!

Good new, my battery charger is still working. I thought my adapter had it, but it's still got some miles left...
Well I'm moving once again in about two weeks. I

Before I move, here are some pictures of where I'm living. It's lekker!!!

These photo's are a wee bit of their house (my favourite is their bathroom!! Look at it!!) And the little room is mine. The best part of the room is the air conditioner. Something that everyone should have in the summer here!

And I'm going to Canada for a visit in June!! Yipee! I can't wait. And I especially can't wait to chow buffalo chicken wings. I don't know why, but the would be on my top things that I miss. Sad, eh??!!
Sheesh, just look at that!!!!

And I've been getting into rock climbing since I've been here and I'm loving it! I went to my first cliff yesterday with a few friends.
Well I don't know how to write below the photo's??? So till next time I should be moved out and I will try to make an effort to blog more.. Ciao!

Monday, December 14, 2009
Volunteers please
Hello everyone...
This is just a quick post to ask if you or anyone you would know of would like to volunteer with abandoned babies??? Coming this Thursday Sinakekele will have 5 babies, but only 1 full-time volunteer.
Accommodation and food is provided and it's on a beautiful property.
It's a wonderful experience. Hard work at times, but well worth it. You can do it for 2 weeks if you wish, or it's something great to do for a gap year.
If you are interested please contact me at cindeeklaudeman@mac.com or info@sinakekele.org.za
Thanks and hope to hear from anyone!!
Much love
This is just a quick post to ask if you or anyone you would know of would like to volunteer with abandoned babies??? Coming this Thursday Sinakekele will have 5 babies, but only 1 full-time volunteer.
Accommodation and food is provided and it's on a beautiful property.
It's a wonderful experience. Hard work at times, but well worth it. You can do it for 2 weeks if you wish, or it's something great to do for a gap year.
If you are interested please contact me at cindeeklaudeman@mac.com or info@sinakekele.org.za
Thanks and hope to hear from anyone!!
Much love
Sunday, November 1, 2009
A few changes
Well here I am sitting in my new place. My lease expires in the middle of this month and I told the guy who stays in a smaller room in the complex where I was staying that he could move in by the end of last month.
Are you asking why I would tell him to move in without me having a place to go? Well here's the story.
For a little over a month now I have been going back to Ruth's (Sinakekele) twi
ce a week. She has started a play g
roup for orphans. They come from a community that is up the hill from Ruths. As of now there are four. Melokuhle (Melo), Rose, Sibu and Gcinwa (I still can't pronounce it right!). They speak NO word of English.
The first day I noticed the kids were going outside to the toilet. It dawned on me that most, if not all, the houses where they stay don't have their own bathrooms, therefore they go outside or use the outhouses provided. So I tried to show them how to use the toilet. It still didn't work. I asked this zulu women the word for toilet which is emboshi (not spell
ed right). So I went to the kids and tried to explain the best I could that they must go
to the toilet inside. I would point outside and say, "emboshi ta (toilet no) and then point towards the toilet inside and say, "emboshi yebo (toilet yes). They just laughed at me and made fun of me. Some of the boys still go outside. But they are slowly getting it.
I have been going to Ruth's now for over a month and she's got the volunteer cottage up,
the nursery up,
and she has a baby!! I thought it would be a great idea to move out to the farm.
Problem... I don't have a car to get in and out 5 days of the week. I have to be in Umhlanga between 8:30/10 pm therefore I would have to stay at someones place those nights because I wouldn't have transport to get back to Ruth's.
I was in deniel about having everything sorted. I had a meeting with a lady from the committee of Sinakekele and after the m
eeting reality hit. I had no place to go! Unless God provided a vehicle for me and petrol(gas) money, I wouldn't be able to get in and out. So I had 4 days to find a place and with my funds from Canada gone and the salary I make, I couldn't afford anything in the area.
Panic sunk in.
The day that I had the meeting I went to work after and I told my boss that moving out to the farm wasn't going to work. She mentioned something about me staying in the little suite connected to the house and I said I would feel like I would be intruding. She said she would talk to her husband anyways. I was thinking not, but she told me to think about it.
The next day when I came she asked how I was and I started to cry and she said it would be okay if I stayed. She said we could try it out for a month or two and see how it works for free! I said yes. I will still be looking for my own place though...
So here I am in my nice cozy place and loving it! I feel out of place because it's so beautiful! But I'm going take it and enjoy it, because I have a feeling that I will be living in some pretty crazy place, eating some pretty crazy food, doing some pretty crazy things for God one day.
I'm excited about the future! God is good:o) And the plus side. I will still be able to go to Ruth's Monday to Friday to help out! Praise God! So things worked out in the end. I'm still floored by His faithfulness!
Since being here everything has been falling ino place. I got my nice little place which my funds sustained me until now. Got a great job and a scooter. Got a new place for free and I get to do what I enjoy. Can't tell me this is all coincidence. Everything is perfect in His timing! Wow!
That's about it for now.. I will be staying out at Ruth's for Holiday because I can:o)
Love to you all!
Are you asking why I would tell him to move in without me having a place to go? Well here's the story.
For a little over a month now I have been going back to Ruth's (Sinakekele) twi

The first day I noticed the kids were going outside to the toilet. It dawned on me that most, if not all, the houses where they stay don't have their own bathrooms, therefore they go outside or use the outhouses provided. So I tried to show them how to use the toilet. It still didn't work. I asked this zulu women the word for toilet which is emboshi (not spell

I have been going to Ruth's now for over a month and she's got the volunteer cottage up,

Problem... I don't have a car to get in and out 5 days of the week. I have to be in Umhlanga between 8:30/10 pm therefore I would have to stay at someones place those nights because I wouldn't have transport to get back to Ruth's.
I was in deniel about having everything sorted. I had a meeting with a lady from the committee of Sinakekele and after the m

Panic sunk in.
The day that I had the meeting I went to work after and I told my boss that moving out to the farm wasn't going to work. She mentioned something about me staying in the little suite connected to the house and I said I would feel like I would be intruding. She said she would talk to her husband anyways. I was thinking not, but she told me to think about it.
The next day when I came she asked how I was and I started to cry and she said it would be okay if I stayed. She said we could try it out for a month or two and see how it works for free! I said yes. I will still be looking for my own place though...
So here I am in my nice cozy place and loving it! I feel out of place because it's so beautiful! But I'm going take it and enjoy it, because I have a feeling that I will be living in some pretty crazy place, eating some pretty crazy food, doing some pretty crazy things for God one day.
I'm excited about the future! God is good:o) And the plus side. I will still be able to go to Ruth's Monday to Friday to help out! Praise God! So things worked out in the end. I'm still floored by His faithfulness!
Since being here everything has been falling ino place. I got my nice little place which my funds sustained me until now. Got a great job and a scooter. Got a new place for free and I get to do what I enjoy. Can't tell me this is all coincidence. Everything is perfect in His timing! Wow!
That's about it for now.. I will be staying out at Ruth's for Holiday because I can:o)
Love to you all!
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