Oh boy it's been awhile, eh?!?! I have NO idea where to start. I think I have to go back about a month when I went to a Zulu school with a pastor for a feeding.
Salina's, missionaries from the states, invited m

e to come to this school where he would preach and then feed the children after. We rolled up in our 4x4's at the
Intaphuka Primary school, introduced ourselves to the head master (I think that's what the principle is called) and waited for the teachers to gather up the students. They youngest at the front, the oldest in the back. They put a string line at the front so the students wouldn't cross it while people were speaking. I got a kick out of the designated students

who would occasionally walk the line to see if students were crossing over. He had a stick in hand and if any unfortunate student was crossing the line they would get a gentle whack!
There were about 600 students. Remember school in South Africa isn't free and they have to buy uniforms. I'm not too sure how some of these kids can go to school as some of them are orphans and . I'm guessing the government and other people might
sponsor some children. Not t
oo sure.
After all the students were settled down they started in song for us. 600 Zulu's singing is like listening to a chorus of angels! It was very touching!
After they sang someone spoke and then Pastor
Salina spoke. After he spoke some students did some traditional Zulu dances
r us. I can't explain how much
rhythm they have! And while they are doing it someone is singing. They have the most incredible voices!
I was certainly touched and I think in the near future I would LOVE to work with these children and the surrounding people where
Sinakekele will be. This school is located near the future spot of
When we were finished being entertained the
nts went back to their classes while we, me and people from a church whose name I can't remember, filled bowls with
briyani to pass out class to class. I assure you that some of these children
haven't eaten for days. Some of the children were seen putting their
briyani in the back packs to take home to their family. They only got a plate full. The less you have the more you give rings true in my mind.
Paper cups were snapped up quickly as us "inconsiderate" church goers threw out the cups thinking they were of no more value after being used once. I just ate my
briyani in disbelief as I watched the kids snatch up the cups as soon as they were thrown in the garbage bin. I didn't think that something like that could be of huge use to anyone after being used. I was wrong. So after I got a reality check we packed up our stuff and headed home and watched
Apocolypto. It was kinda long...
Not much new is going on at
Sinakekele. Ruth will get her new volunteer car at the end of Sept. The church purchased it from someone who is going to the Sates and he isn't leaving until the end of Sept. The plans have been handed in for the property so once everything is approved the levelling of the land will start, then the fencing and then the building. It's quite exciting because
i'm sure when I get back in January the building of the buildings will be started.

So my last month was pretty simple. Carolyn, a previous volunteer from Switzerland, came in Aug. to visit for three weeks. It's too bad I only got to see her for a few days, but I plan on stopping in Switzerland on the way back for a visit and a snowboard on the Alps. How sweet is that?! So
i'm really looking forward to January! I got a bit sidetracked here. I was about to talk about the kids but it went to snowboarding. Basically I took it easy the last couple weeks, hung out with the kids, Mel,
Feggo and
Cacolyn. It was a real blessing to work with Mel and
Feggo these last few months!! It'll be
weird going back to SA without them there! Thanks guys for so many
awesome memories and I hope the day comes where we can be back in SA at the same time!
My trip was good back home. My last day
there Caco,
Feggo and I got up at 5:40 am to get the kids ready for school. I try to put a hard shell buy
Siya made me shed a few tears when he prayed for me and I shed a few tears when I said bye at the school, but it's more easy this time because I know that
i'll be going back in January. After dropping the kids off all four of us plus
Zim went out for breakfast at

Then it was time to head to the airport. Had a tea there and then off to the gate. I was doing good with the tears until the end of
Feggo's hug. Mel came to me with big
crocodile tears. That set me off. I told them to go cause I like to get good bye's over fast. And guys once I got through the gates I cried more. And when I sat down I cried. And when I opened the cards I cried.
The plane ride was good. Met some guy from Italy and then once in Frankfurt I met a fellow Rider fan. Go GREEN!!

People don't worry about the banjo bowl, they let them win. I arrived in
Weinerpeg at around 6 to Sarah and she took me to Hooters for buffalo wings. They were very good!!

Woke up the next morning and drove into my beautiful Regina..
hahaha, that ones for you
Zim if you read this! It's really nice to be back home and I forgot how clean and crisp the air is. It's
sooo refreshing!!

I surprised my family and here I am
writing on my blog from home.
My conclusion of this SA trip. This trip
completely changed my life! When I went there all I expected to be doing is taking care of the kids and seeing
Sinakakele grow and staying there for who
know's long. I really had no direction in my life. Then I went to Destiny Harvest Church. I have been
struggling with church's before I came here and where I fit in. What
i'm about to write does not reflect at all with Pathway. Without Destiny and Pathway I came to the conclusion that most Christians and most church's were a complete FLOP!! Coldness, hypocrisy, having nothing to do with the people Jesus told us to minister to, etc. There are your good Christians and some good churches but in my eyes not nearly enough! Destiny turned my life upside down. They prooved that a church can have the whole package! The pastor there is something else! A good else! This man shines the love of God, he acts the love of God, his congregation cares, his congregation loves. His congregation has x prostitutes, drug lords, druggies, witches, etc.. The people God has called us to minister to. The grace of God is evident in the congregation. The Spirit of God is thick at Destiny. Any body that goes there will be touched and I was one of those people that were touched! This church is living proof that there is a Living God, a God who does care and does love. The Spirit of God got my full attention this time and this time there is
absolutely no turning back. My eyes are set in one direction and that is with Christ.
Where does this fit in with my plans? Well Destiny is
sponsoring me to go to Bible college. I'm gonna go and
i'm absolutely pumped to go. The course is two years, but if you are serious about getting into the ministry it's a three year course. I'll be in the three year course. While I go to college I will be working for
Sinakekele probably full-time. I would also like to learn Zulu and go to
Intaphuka Primary school once in awhile and hang out with the kids and also get to know the locals around Sinakekele. I'm sure by next our spring Ruth will be taking in babies again. With that in mind, anyone want to volunteer?! We will need people.
So I will be in SA,
i'm guessing, for the next five year. I call it my training ground before I come back to Regina. To do what? I have something in mind, but
that'll have to wait. Gotta see what God rolls out for me.
For the next four months I will be getting a part-time job and just taking it easy. My time will be busy when I get back to SA and I have no clue when my next break will be. You can come on here if you wish, but I don't know how much
i'll post unless there's people from SA. coming on here. If so please tell me so I can post snow pictures on here.
Thanks everyone for their continuing support and prayer! Many Blessings!
I just saw I could add a video. So here is a video of the girls dancing. Nevermind it didn't work. Will try again later.