Hello everyone, howzit? It’s been a wee bit since I’ve last updated you so I’ll just fill you in with
some news.

Last week was Siya and Jakes birthday. Siya is 6 and Jake 4! It’s amazing how time flies!! I remember when Jake first came in here. He was so malnourished and skinny. We used to call him Jake the Rake and he had a permanent purple tongue because of thrush. Purple because that was the colour of the medicine we had to put on his tongue. But now he’s a lean little boy who is full of so much energy! He looks up to Siyabonga so much, it’s kinda scary because Siya gets in a ton of mischief. Those two are going to be a force to reckon with!
Mel, Megan and I went to Siyabonga’s birthday at school. Jake’s teacher didn’t mention his birthday to us so we didn’t go! Poor guy! This past Sunday we Granny and Aunt Daph came by to celebrate. We had lekker cake. I love milk tart! Can we get that in Canadia?! Jake got a superman costume which in permanently stuck to him. Siya got a medal detector. He was all over the place with that thing. Mary and Simon also got some small gifts from mom. Mary got some hair thing and Simon a bow and arrow. Granny also made them some awesome pj’s.
All the kids are doing well. Come January, Siya will be going to primary school. Mary moved up a grade. Simon is doing very well with his occupational therapy and is thriving. Jake is Jake! He has a tendency to make anyone laugh. And he’s a very clever kid too! I already have plenty of stories of the kids, but I will save that when I see you again.
I don’t know if I mentioned this in the last blog (I write my blog entries on word before I post

Ruth is, as Jay and Tazz call it, getting her smile back. We have taken quite a bit of stress off of her, but she is still such a busy woman. I still don’t know how she did it without volunteers here!
Ruth didn’t get as much in the trust fund as she wanted. She applied for R700 000, but only got R200 000.It is still a large sum of money, but not enough to build a house and a nursery. The catch is, she needs proof of funds to build before she can receive the R200 000 and she has till February 2008 to do so. There is a Brazilian volunteer that has hopefully arranged monthly funds for Ruth at the sum of R40 000 for 6 months. Ruth should be finding out soon about that. Continual prayer would be lekker.
The three of us found this awesome church! I haven’t felt this alive in years and quite honestly I didn’t think it was possible again! This church is full of real people and I have no doubt that anyone from any back round would be touched in some way if they attended this church. The pastor is incredible.

So that’s about it. The volunteer car isn’t here yet, but soon, hopefully!! Living in our own flat is heaven and I won’t be getting a job because my days start at 5 am and end at around 7:30/8:00. So that means school will be out of the question for now as well.
Well hope all is well with everything and miss slurpees, especially grape!!
Tons of love!!
Ps. What’s George Saxby’s e-mail addy!?!?!?
1 comment:
WOW!!!! It's great to see pics of the kids. Puts what you do into context. Seeing their bright smiles and innocent faces brings a smile to my face.
I'm not sure if you know it or not but I'm going back to Canada for summer vacation with Sung Hyun. I will be sure to have plenty grape slurpees just for you.....keke
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