Right now I'm sitting by Simon listening to some rap music and he's making farting noises to the beat. I've come to realize that
amusements with farts start at a very early
age and goes with you to the grave.
Well for some people anyways;o)
Good news! You see the volunteer car has been without radio since i've been here. A guy by the name of Andrew (many thanks to you!!!)

knows his stuff about wires and all that stuff so he said he'll take the car one afternoon and fix it.
Well it came back with new seat covers, new mats, a new air freshener and.... A new cd player!!! Joy! It's so nice having mu
sic! The kids don't have to listen to my beautiful voice anymore!! I feel like I'm driving a brand spankn' new car.
If you look carefully you can see the knob of the stereo.
The kids are on holiday now for three weeks. I'm finally starting to understand the school year. There are four terms through out the year. Between terms they have three week holiday and so today it begins. I won'tbe here for the first week because I'm going to a youth camp with the church. And yes I'm a camper! You are still considered a youth in your 20's, but I'm pushing it. I'm pretty excited about it though.
I just finished exams for the first term and they went alright. I wrote four and 2 of them went well and 2 of them went iffy.. But as long as I pass I'm happy. Church is absolutely awesome! Completely different to any church i've experienced. If you don't b
elieve in God going into Destiny Harvest Church, you'll come out questioning your beliefs, no doubt!

Siya is a pro at swimming now. Actually all of them are and they all can swim in the deep end. They are all very proud of it. Jake and Mary are in pre-school still and Simon is in kindergarten/grade r.

Friday's Simon's friend Mpilo has been coming over. He is such a sweet boy!
Such a good character. They just go in the pool and they entertain themselves for a couple hours therefore I get to sit in the sun. Such a hard life. Mary's friend Tori (formally known as Ntombi) comes over once in awhile. Tori came through Sinakekele

Jake is doing well. Him and I are actually bonding, believe or not! Since the first day we met we've never clicked, but I think it's
happening. Wow, what is going on!?
But he's still yours Caro. By the way.. When are you coming back?
Ruth is busy, busy as usual. We are now starting to get things ready for the brick fun

draiser. At least 50 have been sold and we haven't officially started yet, but please don't stop!! I guess I could say Sinakekele is officially selling bricks for the building! Ruth is putting a gauge on her website that keeps track of the number of bricks sold. So come on Canada let's kick some butt!! The website is www.sinakekele.org.za
It has FINALLY cooled down here. I'vetold you before and I'l tell you again, this Canadian doesn't belong in a tropical climate!! And there's this blue chair here that I'm sure wh
o ever has sat on it has fallen at least once on it! Mel is an exception with a about 10!
And if you check closely at the roof you'll see I had to pin up the material part. I think because of the humidity it doesn't stick?? Sounds good to me!

I think that's it for now. I think. Hopefully I get in a better habit of coming on here!
Cheers all!
I like how there is still one blue chair left. Those chairs are very dangerous. There should be a law against having those blue chairs.. haha
Mel aka the turbinator
I like how there is still one blue chair left. Those chairs are very dangerous. There should be a law against having those blue chairs.. haha
Mel aka the turbinator
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