I went up with my friend Sharn. It was really nice going up with her and get to know her a bit more. This women is amazing!

She is 55 and at 52, I think 52, she decided to get a round the world ticket and travel for a year. She worked in Canada as an apple picker, a nanny in the states and when she saved enough money she went to Thailand, India, New Zeland, Australia and Europe. She would hitch hike, rock climb, bungy jump, sky dive, white water raft, etc! You’re never to old!
We got to the Burg after a 2 hour drive and we parked it in a backpackers. She stayed with me for two nights and then it was just me to fend for myself. No electricity and you had to light the wood stove to get hot water. Kinda neat... for awhile;o) People were coming in and out while I was there. There was a group of kids from England (I’m still alive;o), a military group from England, a family from Pretoria, South Africa, and the last group was from the states with a Newfie leading them. It was so nice to see another Canadian.

The second day, Sharn and I did some pony trekking in the mountains. It’s gorgeous. They keep on telling me I must go in the summer because it’s much more beautiful. The reason why we went trekking is because Sharn was in the Burg about 3 weeks before and she put her glasses down and she wanted to look for them. I thought she was crazy and that she would never find them... But she did!

So Sharny left and it was just me. I wanted to stay till Saturday but I decided to go home after a week. It was bloody cold up there! I had my touque, winter jacket, ski pants and scarf out! And the wind was wild. It was just time for me to come back.
On Wednesday I boarded the Underburg express that took me close to home. There was a guy from Ireland, Vancouver and a lady from Holland. The rest were from South Africa. A part of me just wanted to keep on going and travel and meet people. But it's time to get back to reality.
I went to this place called Ithemba Lethu, website www.ithembalethu.org.za. It is absolutely wonderful! I am hoping to get out there SOON and start volunteering, but the problem is I don't have transport. You see public transport here is not safe and if I take a car taxi that would be bloody expensive. So could you please shoot out some prayers for me to get out that way? It's about a half hour drive from where I stay.
Just some closing thoughts. I’ve had over a month to just reflect and really think about why and what am I doing here. It has been a season of healing and getting to know God in a way I never thought possible. What a wonderful God I serve. His love, peace and joy goes sooo deep and I’m just starting to learn! And I do know I belong here, but I'm not too sure for how long. but I'll go wherever God takes me! As long as I'm in His will He will take care of me and take me beyond my wildest dreams! Exciting times ahead!!
Hope everyone is doing well! I really do miss and love everyone!!
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