Friday, November 21, 2008

Never give up, never give up, never give up!!!!

Ok, my first question for all you mac users... Why can't I post any pictures on here?? Or my profile picture!!!???

I'm feeling feisty.. I'm feeling restless.. I'm feeling like I will not let the circumstances/hits of life get me down. I think I'm at a point where I have realized that I cannot make it on my own. I have tried too long and too hard to make things happen on my own when there is God that will fight for you, that will lift you up, that will make things happen for you. And how do you do that??? Just trust!!!

This year nothing went my way!! I came here to South Africa thinking that I was going to get all super spiritual. You know a halo hanging over my head and angels singing all around me. Why not, I was going to be working with AIDS babies and I was going to bible college. I'm a saint, right??!! Not!
Also I thought that I would be working full-time with pay as the volunteer coordinator/nursery manager for Sinakekele children. Well as you know if you have been keeping track, that went terribly wrong!!
God took me down.

So I'm still sitting at my nice comfy flat in Westbrook. I have attempted to volunteer at other places, but transport and finances have kept me from doing pretty much anything. I tried that baby house (read previous posts), and that didn't work out.. I checked other baby houses, but the volunteers basically just sit there and hold the children. The domestic helpers do everything.

And then I tried Missions Ablaze. I enjoyed it the most. It was like an adrenaline rush everyday!!

Missions Ablaze is located very close to me here in Westbrook. They get food donated to them and then they go to the streets and feed the poor. The places that I would go to with the feedings were in Durban and the majority of the people that they fed there are big scary men. I have not doubt that I have looked in the eyes of many criminals.

This is how my day would go...

I would wait at a traffic circle and then the Missions Ablaze bakkie (truck for all you North Americans) would fetch me and I would go to three different locations and help pass out bread and pour soup. The workers with Missions Ablaze would ask me to say the blessing, but I got too intimidated. There would be quite a bit of eyes on me and it was scary!! But that is something that I will get over. God did not give me the spirit of timidity, but of power, of love and of self-discipline.
So the guys will queue up and the very few ladies that would come will queue up separately, and yes they got to go first. They come and get their loaf of bread and their soup. You see they don't have bowls for soup so what most of them do is find a 2 litre pop/fizzy drink bottle and cut it in half and use that as their bowl.
Missions Ablaze feed from Monday to Friday's. So Monday's the boys are very hungry and can be quite hard to tame.
This last Monday this one guy wanted seconds, but there wasn't enough to give so he decides to "curse" and give choice words to the guy that is ahead of the operation that day and then I had some words to say to him and then we all started arguing. He still didn't get his food so he went to the nearest garbage bin and had a little fit and started throwing the rubbish out of it. I found it quite humorous.
The last stop is Point Place. It's well known for prostitution and drugs. When we drove up to the spot where we give the food, there were more people than food. The old man (guy in charge) was trying to get the guys to queue up and they weren't so he told them if they are not going to queue up then they won't get fed. Most were listening, but some weren't. So old man jumped in the bakkie and took off. I was in the back of the bakkie and the hungry men were grabbing at the bread and I was praying the whole time!! So we parked around the corner and organized everything and then attempted to feed them again. This time they were queued up.
Everything was going well and then they realized that the food was getting low. Before I go on, a guy with Down syndrome came and he was trying to help with the queue. Okay... So the food was getting low and the guys saw this and they started mobbing the bakkie so old man hopped into the bakkie and took off again leaving the guy with Down syndrome behind with the mob!!
Three guys hopped in the back of the bakkie with me. One of them already had a loaf and the other two didn't get any. So the one guy with the bread was trying to get the two loaves that was left. I gave them to the other guys and he tried to take if from them. Some of these guys will get extra bread and then sell it on the streets. Crazy! So after we got the guys off we sorted the crates and went back to get the guy with Downs. He came running and gave old man a HUGE hug and then gave me a huge hug. Poor guy!! He was so startled and scared!!!

So I attempted Missions Ablaze, but it's not working out. I love it, but transport is a problem. And I will only be able to volunteer 2 more weeks because I will be going to a camp in Joburg Dec. 7th for a week and then after that my family comes (JOY JOY!!!) and then I will hopefully be moving near or in Umhlanga. It's closer to the college and the church. Also it is near shops, so if I need groceries I can go whenever I want. There is nothing in Westbrook. The closest thing is Ballito. It's about a 5 min. drive. It will be soo nice to be near everything and people!!

I know some of you will be upset with me, but I was waiting for my ride with Missions Ablaze one day and they didn't pitch. I didn't feel like going back to Westbrook because it can get sooo boring. I have no reception for my tv. or the radio, and I don't have a dvd player, so instead of coming back home, I decided to walk to Umhlanga. It would have taken me about 5 hours. It was funny cause I sms'd/txt my "good" friend Rudi and told him I was walking there and he called me back and said not get get murdered, or something like that. It's good to know that I have friends that think and have a weird sense of humour like me!! If it was anybody else they would say I'm bloody mad!! hehehe...

I walked for about 2 hours until someone picked me up. The first guy rolled down his window a wee bit and asked if I needed a lift and I asked him how I know I could trust him and he told me that he was in the company car and just to get in. So I did. Didn't take too much to convince me;o) Nice man he was. He dropped me off and the guy that was behind him when I got picked up picked me up. He followed him. He said I shouldn't be doing what I was doing. Too dangerous. But I was getting cabin fever!! And I'm alive and safe... So no worries, right!!??

But you know I haven't felt that free in such a looonggg time!!! Just being able to get out and not having to depend on someone else and just going with the flow was amazing!!! You know that feeling when you go up into the mountains, or when you're in the middle of the woods and you just stop, close your eyes and you smell that fresh cool air?? Or that feeling and smell of spring after a long winter? That's what I felt like. Like I could do anything. Like nothing could stop me. Rejuvenated...

I have been wrestling with the thought of coming back to Canada for a year next year. I will have financial freedom, physical freedom (in the sense of getting to places), freedom to do what I want. Makes sense, right? Well I've decided I'm not normal and I will fight to stay here. A friend told me when she came here (she's from France or Reunion?? It's french anyways) that she did not want to stay here, but she said that her spirit was excited to be here. She stayed and she has no regrets. That's exactly where I am. I have come alive here and I don't want to risk what I have learned by coming back there where things seem stagnate in the Spirit. I still have so much to learn, so much to do!! My spirit is alive once again.

The favourite quote of my pastor here is "Never give up, Never give up, Never give up"...Sir Winston Churchill.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

New beginnings

Well it's been an interesting few month here. For some reason I cannot get pictures to download. I am still not doing much, but I am sure that's about to change real soon!
I did go volunteer for about a week, but I had to put my own gas (petrol) in and it was costing to much. It would have ended up costing me over R1000 a month which is too rich for my blood! So here I am again, but change is happening my friends, change is happening. I believe my season is done with working with babies. My heart wasn't really with the babies anymore. Don't get me wrong they are beautiful and it still makes my heart fill with joy when I see those wee ones, but I want to touch people's lives, do something more. Do something radical!

I was on the TLC myfamily web site and Thea (founder of TLC) posted this. It really touched my heart.

On Monday, 28th July, I found a group of 5 people sitting in my kitchen.   Upon enquiry I discovered that the old lady was called Johanna Mathye.   She only spoke Afrikaans.   The two other ladies were her "sisters".   The two children were her grandchildren, Thulani (6) and Tsakane (11).

Granny said that she would like us to take in these two children to stay at TLC.   I told her that we are not registered to take in big children.   We are only allowed to take in babies.   She was very upset because the lady at "Amazing Grace Children's Home" told her that they are also full and that she must take them and drop them at the Police Station and just leave them there.   I said this was not an option.   I asked why she did not want to look after the children herself.   She told me that they were very naughty, especially the girl.   She was disobedient and ran away from home every time.   She thought she should go to a "stout school".

I sat next to the little girl who only speaks English (not Afrikaans).   I asked her why she was giving her granny such a hard time.   She did not answer, but looked down at her hands.   I took her out of the kitchen thinking it would be easier for her to talk.   This was her story:

Her mother ran away from home in January.   She had just found out that she was HIV Positive and took the news badly.   From then on the two children were left with the stepfather.   He is a security guard and is never at home, so the two children have to stay in the shack on their own and they are scared at night, so sometimes they try to go and find their granny.   Sometimes they find her ... sometimes they just sleep anywhere because they can't find her and then they have to go back to the stepfather.   When they do manage to find granny she gets very cross with them and shouts at them and makes them go back to the stepfather's place.   But sometimes she is kind and if she has food she gives them some food and sometimes she even lets them stay with her for one or two nights.

I asked about the stepfather, and what he was like.   This is what she told me:

"My stepfather is a bad man.   He makes me have sex with him all the time when we are together.   I am afraid because I know my mother had AIDS.   I also want to go back to school and I don't want a baby.   I have to look after my brother.   When he tries to force me, sometimes I run away and try to find my grandmother.   I always take my little brother with me wherever I go because I want to keep him safe.   I have been looking after him since he was born on 2.2.2002.   My mother worked and I looked after the baby.   The first year when he was born I was in Grade 1.   I went to school at Eikenhof Primary.   But they wanted my mother to sign the forms and bring her ID.   She did not come for the whole year.   When I went back for Grade 2 they said I could not come if my mother did not bring her ID.   From then I stayed at home with my little brother."

I asked her if her granny knew these stories.   She said 'Yes'.

Then I went back to the granny and told the granny what Tsakane had told me and asked her if she knew all this.   She said 'Yes'.   Then I asked her if we could organise the grant for the two children, would she be able to keep them and look after them?   She was very adament.   NO!   She did not want them.   They were too naughty.   I got a little cross with her and told her that these children were her flesh and blood and that she should at least take some responsibility for them.   I did not think, at the end of the day, that God would take kindly to the fact that she did not stand up to her responsibility for these children and just left them at some police station where who knows what would happen to them.

She started to cry ... really loud.   And then she said ... in Afrikaans ... "I walk from one corner of the earth to another, with my little bundle of earthly goods under my arm.   I scratch here and I scratch there for find a place to sleep.   When I find a place to lay down my head for a night or two, I am so happy.   And when I find a place where they will take care of me a little bit longer, I am so happy.   But then these two children come and if I get soft and do something nice for them, or keep them with me for just one night, I lose my own place to stay and get kicked out.   Then I have to find another place all over again.   Maybe God will judge me harshly.   But I am old.   And I am tired.   And I can't look after these children!”

How much longer can we sit around? I just don't understand? How much longer can the church sit around?! I'm not one to talk!! What Christ has called us to do we ignore. Are we just gonna keep on sitting back and let things happen? Isn't it time we do something?! Read Matthew 26:31-46 With Him all things are possible and with His love nations will be rocked!! That's right

On that note.. Thea did find a place for them to stay, but the problem is only gonna get worse. They ain't going anywhere...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

A time of reflection

I’m back from the Burg! It was nice to get out to the country and see some of the natural beauty of South Africa, but after a week I was ready to come to my cozy flat!
I went up with my friend Sharn. It was really nice going up with her and get to know her a bit more. This women is amazing!

She is 55 and at 52, I think 52, she decided to get a round the world ticket and travel for a year. She worked in Canada as an apple picker, a nanny in the states and when she saved enough money she went to Thailand, India, New Zeland, Australia and Europe. She would hitch hike, rock climb, bungy jump, sky dive, white water raft, etc! You’re never to old!

We got to the Burg after a 2 hour drive and we parked it in a backpackers. She stayed with me for two nights and then it was just me to fend for myself. No electricity and you had to light the wood stove to get hot water. Kinda neat... for awhile;o) People were coming in and out while I was there. There was a group of kids from England (I’m still alive;o), a military group from England, a family from Pretoria, South Africa, and the last group was from the states with a Newfie leading them. It was so nice to see another Canadian.

The second day, Sharn and I did some pony trekking in the mountains. It’s gorgeous. They keep on telling me I must go in the summer because it’s much more beautiful. The reason why we went trekking is because Sharn was in the Burg about 3 weeks before and she put her glasses down and she wanted to look for them. I thought she was crazy and that she would never find them... But she did!

So Sharny left and it was just me. I wanted to stay till Saturday but I decided to go home after a week. It was bloody cold up there! I had my touque, winter jacket, ski pants and scarf out! And the wind was wild. It was just time for me to come back.
On Wednesday I boarded the Underburg express that took me close to home. There was a guy from Ireland, Vancouver and a lady from Holland. The rest were from South Africa. A part of me just wanted to keep on going and travel and meet people. But it's time to get back to reality.
I went to this place called Ithemba Lethu, website It is absolutely wonderful! I am hoping to get out there SOON and start volunteering, but the problem is I don't have transport. You see public transport here is not safe and if I take a car taxi that would be bloody expensive. So could you please shoot out some prayers for me to get out that way? It's about a half hour drive from where I stay.
Just some closing thoughts. I’ve had over a month to just reflect and really think about why and what am I doing here. It has been a season of healing and getting to know God in a way I never thought possible. What a wonderful God I serve. His love, peace and joy goes sooo deep and I’m just starting to learn! And I do know I belong here, but I'm not too sure for how long. but I'll go wherever God takes me! As long as I'm in His will He will take care of me and take me beyond my wildest dreams! Exciting times ahead!!
Hope everyone is doing well! I really do miss and love everyone!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

I have 300 MB of data to waste in 46 min.!

Well this is how the internet works here. You don't buy at a set rate each month, you buy data. So if I send a picture, or even better, a video, it will use my data fast therefore I would run out of it fast. So for me to go on Youtube is a not because I would be spending a fortune on data.
AND.. If you don't use all your data in a month it expires. I do love this country! Really I do! Otherwise I wouldn't be here.
So I am just going to post some pictures on here.

Well scratch that. Working on my blog with this old version of Mac just doesn't cut it. My hard drive crashed and now I'm using OS.. Why I brought that program with me and not my leaopard will always leave me bewildered!!

I will post the photo's on my facebook. If you don't have facebook, my apologies.

Ta ta ol' chaps!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Well, well.. Where should I begin!
I have moved out of my little flat and into a beautiful three bedroom flat right by the beach. It’s about a 15 min. drive from Umghlanga (I probably spelled it wrong) but it’s well worth the drive! It is fully furnished, about half the price of what it should be and it has everything that you need. ei. utensils, towels toaster, washer.. and so forth.

Maria, the new volunteer, has been here for close to a month now. She stays with me on the weekends. Very lovely she is and it’s nice to have another Canadian around.

And, I have resigned from Sinakekele. There may be a chance of me going back, but right now it's highly unlikely. It’s a wee bit complicated, but I wasn’t happy there. A few changes have come up with the vision that I doesn’t sit right with me. There are a few other things but I will refrain from spilling the beans. I do pray for the best for Sinakakele and I’m sure one day it will sky rocket, but I will not be a part of it. So begins another season of my life.

With that in mind I have been looking around for other places to volunteer. South Africa is limitless for volunteering so I am scouting out the possibilities right now. I am staying here because I’m still attending college and I would only be a fool to leave the church. The people of Destiny have done nothing but support me! I once said that I would give up on the church (not Pathway, you too have been a constant support!!), but never on God. He had different plans.
Some of the pep's from church.

So I’ve been just taking it easy for the moment. I’m planning on heading up to the mountains for real this time to figure some things out and then after that I’m gonna go on a war rampage!!

I brought Sampson but he ditched.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Just bored..

News, news.. Hmmm, what do I have to tell you?

Not much is going on. The kids are on a few holidays again this week. Monday (today is a holiday), Thursday and Friday are holiday as well. Not just the kids but everyone. I think they make up holidays in this country just for a day off. Something like family day;o)

On Thursday, Friday and Saturday I’ll be heading up to the Drakensburg mountains for a hike with a few people from my church. I’m looking VERY forward to that. Some nice crisp fresh air and I heard the stars are absolutely amazing once out in the country. Let’s see if they are as good as the stars in the northern hemisphere:o) I’m sure they are.

So I can get quite bored and lonely in my little place. I was in the washroom and I found a slug and I’ve grown quite fond of the little guy. I even named him Sampson. I don’t have an actual picture of him so I drew him up as I see him.
Oh yeah, there was another reason I wanted to write. Food can be limited here and my creativity with food is limited!! If you have good recipes for ground beef, chicken, pasta, please e-mail me!!!!  Thanks!   

Monday, March 31, 2008

OK!! Where do I begin!

I will start with Ruth's house being put on the market yet once again! About 3 weeks ago we found out that the owners of the house want to sell the house leaving us till the end of June to fine another place to rent.

I went to camp I came back and on Saturday Ruth showed the actual drawn up plans from the architect (sorry its sideways). Ruth tells me that she has 1/3 of the money. With the brick fundraiser up and going and the plans drawn up it's becoming a reality.

We went to Ruth's sister the day after I got back from camp. The Salina's (missionary couple from American that lives across the road from Ruth's donated property) were in the area and they absolutely needed to have a meeting. I went with Ruth and we sat down and Joanna called her husband up and she whispered to him. Ruth and I looked at each other both thinking, "are they going to take away the donated land?!" They told us the exact opposite!!
They are moving back to America so their son can finish his gr. 12 at home. They offered Ruth the land for R450 000, house and all! Not bad! But with that in mind it leaves 2 adult women with volunteers, babies and a teenage daughter. It also leaves us with a ministry that they started and have done beautiful things with ei, weekly feedings and womens bible study, visits to a local school, etc.

The Salina's, along with people that know about this are praying for 2 Godly men and someone to head up the women's bible study and the feeding scheme as well. We will also be in need of volunteers! Joy! I'm guessing the next 6 months and before hand they will most definitely be helping out with building, painting and all that good stuff. Also the kids will be homeschooled come next year when they start new grades. So if you know of anyone that is interested in volunteering for a year as a teacher that would be lekker!!

It's happening guys. By the end of June we may be out there!! It seems so unreal because Ruth has been pushing for 5 years and God is opening the doors all over the show!! With that in mind you can also pray for a car for her! If God's blessings are on her might as well take advantage.. hahaha;o)

Please pray for all these situataions! Also for her daughter Taz as she won't like to come out to the farm with. There is a possibility of boarding with her school, but God will need to provide the funds for that if Ruth wants that to come to pass.

Please, please pray for us. It is needed urgently now!!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

Well after going to Dan's blog spot, he's put me to shame.  I really have to come on here more and update!!  He goes into such beautiful detail!  So here I go trying to give it a try!!
Right now I'm sitting by Simon listening to some rap music and he's making farting noises to the beat.  I've come to realize that 
amusements  with farts start at a very early 
age and goes with you to the grave.
Well for some people anyways;o)


Good news!  You see the volunteer car has been without radio since i've been here.  A guy by the name of Andrew (many thanks to you!!!)
 knows his stuff about wires and all that stuff so he said he'll take the car one afternoon and fix it.
Well it came back with new seat covers, new mats, a new air freshener and....  A new cd player!!!  Joy!  It's so nice having mu
sic!  The kids don't have to listen to my beautiful voice anymore!!  I feel like I'm driving a brand spankn' new car.
If you look carefully you can see the knob of the stereo.

The kids are on holiday now for three weeks.  I'm finally starting to understand the school year. There are four terms through out the year.  Between terms they have three week holiday and so today it begins.  I won'tbe here for the first week because I'm going to a youth camp with the church.  And yes I'm a camper!  You are still considered a youth in your 20's, but I'm pushing it. I'm pretty excited about it though.

I just finished exams for the first term and they went alright.  I wrote four and 2 of them went well and 2 of them went iffy..  But as long as I pass I'm happy.  Church is absolutely awesome! Completely different to any church i've experienced.  If you don't b
elieve in God going into Destiny Harvest Church, you'll come out questioning your beliefs, no doubt!  

Siya is a pro at swimming now.  Actually all of them are and they all can swim in the deep end.  They are all very proud of it.  Jake and Mary are in pre-school still and Simon is in kindergarten/grade r.  
Friday's Simon's friend Mpilo has been coming over.  He is such a sweet boy!  
Such a good character.  They just go in the pool and they entertain themselves for a couple hours therefore I get to sit in the sun.  Such a hard life.  Mary's friend Tori (formally known as Ntombi) comes over once in awhile.  Tori came through Sinakekele
and was adopted 3 and a half years ago. I remember when she first came in.  She was born a hydrocephalic child and came in with a very large head and she still has it.  Ruth and I used to call her head.  Hehe, it's completely harmless.  But she is doing well.  The doctors said she wouldn't walk, but she's right up there with the other 4 year olds.


Jake is doing well.  Him and I are actually bonding, believe or not!  Since the first day we met we've never clicked, but I think it's 
happening.  Wow, what is going on!?
  But he's still yours Caro.  By the way..  When are you coming back?

Ruth is busy, busy as usual.  We are now starting to get things ready for the brick fun
draiser.  At least 50 have been sold and we haven't officially started yet, but please don't stop!!  I guess I could say Sinakekele is officially selling bricks for the building!  Ruth is putting a gauge on her website that keeps track of the number of bricks sold.  So come on Canada let's kick some butt!! The website is 

It has FINALLY cooled down here.  I'vetold you before and I'l tell you again, this Canadian doesn't belong in a tropical climate!!  And there's this blue chair here that I'm sure wh
o ever has sat on it has fallen at least once on it!  Mel is an exception with a about 10!
And if you check closely at the roof you'll see I had to pin up the material part.  I think because of the humidity it doesn't stick??  Sounds good to me!

I think that's it for now.  I think.  Hopefully I get in a better habit of coming on here!

Cheers all!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Brick Fundraiser

Hey everyone, it’s been a while!! Well not much is new actually. Just doing the same thing as I was before.

My weeks are pretty busy with Sinakekele and I usually have things in the evenings. So on the weekends I take it really easy!!!! Sometimes.

The kids have been really good!! We have finally adjusted to each other and we get on pretty good now. The first month was kinda hectic, but it has smoothed out quite nicely. Ruth is still busy, busy! She is thinking of getting a weekend job, but I told her she’s mad!!!

She has been speaking to schools and tonight, Tuesday 3rd, she is speaking to a rotary club. So that’s good. And she has now started a buy a brick fund raiser.

I’ll explain it and if you are interested you can contact me at Ruth has a goal of selling 5000 bricks at $30 Canadian for a brick. You will get a little gift in the post if you do decide to donate. And once the building is up we will get the kids to put their handprint on the newly built wall. Those who donate, their names will be written on the handprints (i’ve been designated this job!!! I need volunteers just for that;o) and the nationality will also be put there along with the name. So come on Canada, let’s kick some butt!!!

We are also selling bricks in the UK, Switzerland, I think Holland and I’m working on Australia and America. If anyone is interested in taking this on in other countries, get a hold of me and I’ll give you the details in what you have to do.

Just to let you know the money you donate is only tax deductible in South Africa.

Well besides that not much is new. Bible college is going great and I’m really enjoying it! Ummm.. It’s really hot here. I checked what it was the other day and it was 28 but with the humidity it was 40. I’m telling you it’s been like this the whole month and a bit last month. I think i’d rather take the cold weather, but then again I would be saying the exact opposite once home. But I am a Canadian girl at heart and I can’t wait till the day comes God calls me back to Canada!! I miss it!!

Check you soon!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Here I am!

Hey everyone. I’ve finally gotten off my butt and decided to write you about what is going on.

Well I think i’ve finally adjusted to South Africa life once again. It has taken me till today to finally get back in to the groove of things and accept that I am on here on a one way ticket!
I started Bible College last week. It’s gonna be good. I’ll tell you more about it once I’m further along into it. Neat things are gonna happen this year!!

The kids are doing great! They are all in different schools now, except Mary and Jake. They are attending a school where the kids speak Zulu, but they teach in English. I think that’ll be great because when we move to the farm they will be able to communicate with the local kids in Zulu!

Siya is in grade 1 and is doing very well. He is joining the chess club which I'm sure he will thrive in. He’s very clever.

Simon is at Broad Acres again. He has dyspraxia and no muscle tone, which effects his physical wellness and his speech. There is only one other kid in his class which gives the teacher lots of time to focus on their needs. I’ve noticed a difference in his speech and physical wellness from last time I was here. He is improving.

As for Ruth and Sinakekele... Things are moving. Ruth has four GREAT opportunities for raising funds.

Exciting things are happening here guys!! Ruth is calling it “2008 is the year to celebrate.” She is finally going forth and doing a whole bunch of fundraisers. Her passion has been restored and she’s ready to kick some ass!!

She is having a fundraiser towards the end of March or the beginning of April and it sounds promising. She has much more “elite” contacts so it should amount to good things. She is trying to get Thea (founder of TLC) to give the main speech which would be awesome because she has started from nothing and now has a thriving place for abandoned babies. A living testimony she is!

She will be also selling bricks for her building project. Each brick will cost R200 and for the Swiss and Canadians, $50. For other countries, contact me if you are interested. In return (locally) a magnet will be given with the Sinakekele logo and a thank you that looks like a brick. Once things get going and it is set in stone I will put another post and if you are interested you can contact me.

Ruth has contacted the local schools to raise money. There’s a thing called the interact club and they raise money for charities. She is still waiting on a response. If it’s a go she wants a puzzle drive where the kids buy a piece for R5. If the school reply, Ruth has to give a quick presentation to the schools. She wants me to speak as well so pray for me please!!! Sinakekele will frame all the puzzles a thank you with the Sinakekele logo will be put into all the frames. The representative of the interact club will come to the fundraising dinner and they will present the money to Sinakekele in front of everyone. Ruth plans on getting the local paper involved. This will also make good publicity for the school.

There is also a professional fundraiser company here which will go and get funds for Ruth. They take something like 30-40%, but that’s okay b/c Ruth gets at least 60%. They raised
R5 000 000 for Ruth’s church. She has contacted them and she is now waiting for a response.

Things in this country are still crazy!! To save power they now have these things called load shedding in which they will shut off the power of big areas for a couple hours. It can be quite an inconvenience especially when you re at the internet café or trying to cook dinner for the kids!! Gotta’ do what you gotta do I guess…

So these next few months will be full of exciting things!!!!! Keep on visiting cause hopefully each post will bring news of good things!!
Remember to keep us all in your prayers, if you pray:o)

Love to you!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

In SA.

Hey everyone.. This is just a very quick post. I am here safely in SA and things are going good.
It's exciting to hear the news of Sinakekele. 6 months time things are gonna be completely different!
I'll post much more once I get another plug in for my mac.
Oh, just to let you know... Benji is back home!


Monday, January 14, 2008


Well my time here in Switzerland is quickly coming to and end. I’ve been fairly busy so i’ll just tell you what i’ve been up to this last week.

My plane trip to Frankfurt went quite well. No complaints there. Actually... I was trying to get some shut eye in Frankfurt and there is absolutely NO place to lay down and rest. So with lack of chairs and sleep I was determined to find a spot to sleep. I found a spot by the escalator, pulled my jacket over my head and tried to sleep. I was half asleep when I felt something land on me. I took my jacket off of my head and couldn’t see anything so I pulled my jacket back on my head. The only difference is that this time I had the smell of Juicy Fruit the whole time I was trying to sleep. I looked for this bloody piece of gum but I only found it once I got up. Someone spit their gum at my head from the escalator.

After my tragic gum incident I boarded my plane to Geneva! I was looking out the window in the plane and all what I saw was the foothills. I was thinking to myself that the Alps weren’t that impressive! Yes I know, blonde moment. But then the plane turned around and there they were in all their glory. No matter how many times I see mountains they never cease to amaze me!

The landing was smooth. I collected my luggage, went through customs (I didn’t get a stamp for my passport!) and ran into Carolyn’s beautiful arms.
We drove a little over an hour to her home in La Tour-de-Peilz, very close to Montreux. It is absolutely beautiful here!! I thought I might not make it to South Africa. Becoming a snowboard bum is very tempting! We did some running around, went by her brother Kevin’s flat (Mel you should date him) and then back to her mom and dads.

The next day we went snowboarding at Crosets, about an hour from La Tour-de-Peilz. It was cloudy and snowy, but I will take anything besides Mission Ridge!! It took me about an hour to catch on and then I was boarding like a pro! Because of the snow conditions you couldn’t see where some of the trials dropped off. Good thing for the coloured poles to help you navigate through the run.

After the boarding we relaxed our poor bodies in some natural hot springs at Lavey-les-Bains. I could’ve stayed there all night! It was sooo nice. You’re surrounded by the Alps. Why do I want to leave?? Oh yeah, SA;o)

Okay, what day am I on?? So on Thursday the 9th Carolyn had to study for a final for Friday. He sister Tamsin took me around Lake Geneva (Thanks Tamsin), saw a statue of Freddie Mercury and then to Chateau Chillon, a castle in Montreux I believe. I’m not a fan of history, but it was really cool to see the inside of the Castle and to see how people survived. The view from the top was astonishing!! After the Castle we went to Vevey I think. Walked around for a bit and then went back home.

Some random French guy at Chateau Chillon.

On Friday I slept in while Caro wrote her exam. I’ve been getting up around 5:30/6 every morning, but today I slept right through to 8:30! Oh yeah, but that will end once I get back to SA. 5:45 am here I come! Umm, I kinda veered off there.

So after Caro got home we went to Lausanne (where Caro goes to Uni.) and looked at the shops. It was very hard to say no to some of the clothing. No room in my luggage:o( Probably a good thing. We stopped off at a shisha bar and had a shisha and a beer. We got back to La-Tour-de-Peilz around 9:30, quickly packed some overnight things and drove about an hour to Caro’s friend that lives in Neuchâtel. When we finally arrived her three friends were patiently waiting for us to eat a very late supper of spaghetti.

Sat. morning we got up and had breakfast (i’m gonna miss the chocolate croissants!!!) and then toured around Neuchâtel. The villages/town’s here are so cute. We then went to the village where Caro was born and departed ways from her friends. They were all very nice! Too bad I can`t speak french. Next time!

Sunday morning we got up to go skiing at Verbier. I was pumped all ready to conquer the mountains. Boy was I wrong!! You see in Canada I always snow boarded goofy foot and when I boarded the first time here I went the opposite way. So we changed the board to goofy before we hit the slopes and I was much better the other way (I guess i’m regular then!). I kept on trying to catch on goofy and it wasn’t happening. Of course stubborn me wanted to beat the goofy so I didn’t change the bindings until an hour after. Everything was good until about two hours later when I had a nasty fall and then I couldn’t board anymore. I couldn’t do anything and I was getting soooo frustrated. The F-bomb came out a few times. I even swore at the mountains. They conquered me!! Little do they know I will come back and kick some serious butt!! Finally I decided to quit before I did some serious damage. But the view from Verbier was gorgeous! It was well worth the view!

Nice view while eating lunch.

I had enough at this point.

The kissing picture is for Mel. I just couldn't get it by the picture.

After snowboarding we went to Caro and Tamsin’s friends. They have a cute little flat in a mountain village. We had some tea and dessert and headed back to Caro’s home.
So here I am on monday taking it easy before I have to take off tomorrow. Gotta pack (the room where i’m staying is a wee bit messy!) Oh yeah I forgot to tell you I ate horse and the ironic thing it was imported from Canada!! Hahaha.. It tastes like beef, but the texture is a wee bit different.

Check it out Megan, it's the Canadians that butcher their horses!

That's it from Switzerland. Next time South Africa!!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Benji, Jan 8th

Hey everyone, here is another update on Benji.

Today was a bit better. Dr. Blok is very sensitive about managing the pain and to me that is really crucial. So, after the big operation last night, Benjamin has been kept sedated and although he is conscious he is very calm and quiet and there is no pain. When I told Dr. Blok about the other doctor and how they left him screaming and climbing up the walls in Mulbarton Hospital is was very angry and said it was absolutely unnecessary to do that to a person in this day and age. I am SO GLAD Benjamin is not there anymore!!!

This morning I had an appointment to see Dr. Blok. Eric came with me just in case there was something I did not understand. He once again explained what he did with Benjamin and then he showed us pictures on his computer that he took during the operation. First there was a picture of Benny as he was yesterday, after taking off the dressings. I nearly fainted. It was such a horrible sight. All blood and flesh and no top skin at all. Then there were a couple of other pictures and finally a picture of Benjamin as he should look right now, behind the present dressings. My friends, it seems quite beautiful to me!!!! I think he did such a good job! It's unbelievable. He neatly stitched that grafted skin and although you can't get a PROPER impression because of Ben was unconscious and with things in his mouth ... it looked really beautiful to me and I have fresh hope. So, I am going to be praying on my knees a lot tonight ... mostly thanking God because I think the miracle is in process.

Then, also, thank you for your permission to use the money as we see fit. I promise to be completely responsible ... as always ... but I did need to clear that up with you.

Well, now I am going off to bed. Tomorrow Murphy, Dominique and Paul start at their new remedial school. Carlton also starts at a new school ... with Crispin and Kay. Eric will take Faith up to sit with Benjamin while we settle them all in and I will take over from her a little later.

If all goes well I might go on a retreat for 4 days next week and when I get home, Pippa will go as well so that we can recover a little. But we will see. Let's not tempt fate ... I say it holding my breath. But I could really do with a little break. Next week will be a good time because Dr. Blok anticipates letting Benny come home on that weekend of the 19th which means I will be back then. And that last week there won't be any more operations and things for Benjamin so it will just mean recovery and Pippa will probably manage that on her own. But we'll see. Don't want to jump the gun.

Okay, thank you for your love and prayers. I am completely convinced that God has carried us through this terrible time, on account of them. And ... well, I know I squeel a lot when I am in trouble ... but I also know that you can take it. I need to do it to stay sane. It's just the way God made me. But thank you for holding my hand as I walked through that horrible valley. But I think the end is in sight.

All my love to you all,


Sunday, January 6, 2008

Off once again.

Well my time has come to a quick end here in Canada. It was very good to be back but at the same time i'm looking forward to seeing what the future will bring!
The reason why i'm doing this post is because so many of you have opened up your hearts and helped Benji from TLC and are wondering how he is doing. I'm just gonna post a couple posts that Thea (founder of TLC) has put up on her myfamily site.
Jan. 6, 2007
Tomorrow morning at 7am Benjamin will have another operation. A big one. The plastic surgery. They will be taking skin from the inside of his thighs and putting it on his face. (I think the forehead).
He seems a little stronger within himself. He LOVES his PCP ... PLC ... MAYBE PSP? Gosh, I forget, but the little game he has. Thank God he loves it so much, because it keeps him busy and seems to offer some kind of challenge which he loves. He can barely take the time to eat or take his medicines, or whatever ... because he has to put the thing down for a few moments! It was really a good thing to buy for him.
Yesterday the Plastic Surgeon to a lot of the bandages off in preparation for the operation. We all got a little shock. Especially Benjamin. When he looked into the screen of his gadget he suddenly let out a yell. He could see his reflection there and it really spooked him! Ugh! My poor litte lamb!
Anyway, please pray for him that all goes well tomorrow morning. I am expecting a miracle from God. I know He can do it. I have full confidence in Him. Not arrogantly. I just know he can do it. Did you know that I died in a car accident exactly 20 years at almost the same time that Benjamin ended up in hospital? So, I believe in miracles. I am a walking miracle myself. I will tell you the story sometime when I have time. It's the reason I started this ministry ... the reason for a lot of things. :~)
Aaah well. Now I need to go to bed. I am going to put a couple of pictures of Benjamin up that I took this morning. Don't look at them if you are squeemish. They are not very nice. But they will inspire some of you to really pray.
God bless you all.
Jan. 3, 2008
Hello dear friends,It does seem that somebody fiddled with access onto this website ... I guess I will hear about it when my life settles down and I can have a normal conversation again. All I can say is my Myfamily page doesn't look anything like it ... hence the "test" I gather! :~)
Things are not getting much better for my boy. But I guess they are, really. To look on the bright side, he came out of theatre yesterday with those stapled things off his chest and arms. But that was the only good thing.
I had ushered him right into the theatre. He was so very, very scared after the last experience. I promised him that this time would be different. That last time they did not give him an anaesthetic but that THIS time they would and that the pain might still be there but it would be very little compared to before. Eventually he, very reluctantly, allowed them to push him through into the theatre and out of my sight, still waving a very nervous wave as he disappeared.
I had promised that I would wait at his bedside in the ward. Which I did. After 2 1/2 hours I could hear his screaming coming up the passage to the ward. When he saw me he went completely crazy. It was so, so awful and traumatic. He was literally climbing up the walls in agony. Even some of the nurses started crying. I was begging all of them, all around me to give him something that would knock him out. But ... they had to ask permission first. After what seemed like an eternity, they came back and said the doctor said he had already had a full quota of morphine and that he couldn't understand that he was still so strong. Can you just imagine how bad that pain was.
Then I got hold of the doctor myself as he came out of theatre and begged him to give him something else. Then the sisters came him a strong dose of valaron. AFter about 2 minutes he fell into a kind of stupor, shuddering and shaking. Oh God! This is the hardest thing I ever had to do!
Pippa took over from me later on in the evening. He came round at about 10ish and ate a little bit of food. But then puked it all up as she was getting ready to leave and that made his head ache all over again.
It seems that the forehead is the worst part and the doctor said that this part was going to be badly scarred. I kept thinking about it all night. I can't bear it ... my beautiful, special, big-eyed, handsome Benny ... so scarred. It's just beyond belief. I thought about it all night long. Trying hard to sleep ... yet wondering just how bad it was going to be?
When I got to the hospital early this morning he was not himself. You could really sense the aftermath of the shock. He was a little bit dead inside. I know it was very extravagant but I sent Pippa out to buy him a PSP because that is what he wanted. I had know idea what it was. Poor Pippa searched the length and breadth of Johannesburg to find one because they were all sold out after Christmas. Praise the Lord! At about 4 pm she walked in with one. A BEAUTIFUL ONE. A RED ONE! According to Benny you NEVER get RED ones! So, he was a little happier and it kept him busy from 4 pm until I left him with Pippa and came home.
But a wonderful thing DID happen today. First of all the doctor came to the Ward at lunch time. He told me that he was going to have to take skin from the inside of Benny's thighs so that he could graft it onto his forehead. He said he wanted to do this on Saturday morning. My anxiety levels shot up again.
Rhys came to sit with Benny for a couple of hours and I came home just to check on things and as I sat sipping a wonderful cup of tea, I started thinking about the fact that this doctor is a "trauma surgeon". Last night before I left home the two Karate Senei's came to visit Benny. The one, Sensei Clinton, is actually finishing his studies as a plastic surgeon. He mentioned casually that I should try to get a plastic surgeon to do the skin grafting, and not the traumas surgeon. I was just reflecting on that when suddenly I got a deep sense of urgency about this.
Brendon has been to a very good Plastic Surgeon highly recommended to me by the Professor of Plastic Surgery at the Pretoria Government Hospital who did all Brendon's initial surgery on his cleft palate. This man retired and he recommended that I go to Dr. Blok. I called him up after deliberating for a little while. He agreed that it is much better to get a specialist to do this operation because they have more training and experience in this field. I really begged him to take my little Benjamin and finally he agreed.
THEN I HAD TO GO AND SPEAK TO THE OTHER DOCTOR!!!!! UGH! Well, I plucked up all my courage and went to see him. Would you know, that man was SO GRACIOUS! He got tears in his eyes, took both my hands in his and said ... "Well OF COURSE my dear! You MUST do the very best for your little son. And I agree with you, Dr. Blok is the very best person to do this for you. I will very happily make all the arrangements for Benjamin to be transferred to the Union Hospital in Alberton tomorrow and if there is anything more you need from me ... just ASK!"
Oh my goodness! I am so so so VERY happy to have settled that. And I just know that the money is going to cover it all. I cannot bear my little Benjamin going into his life with his face all mutilated. THIS IS THE TIME to fix it ... not later.
I AM CRYING MY HEART OUT RIGHT NOW, do you know why? BECAUSE YOU HAVE MADE ALL THIS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! What would I ever have done without you lot????? What would my little Benny of done? God is SO good to have given you to me. God bless you all ... a million, billion, trillion times over! My dear friends, I will TRY to be a better person from now on. At least I will try and shape up to all your expectations of me. I am really not as grand as you all think. Only God and I really know what a simple creature I actually am. But I DO love my kids. I DO love my babies. And I DO love all of you. In THAT I DO think God has made a grand arrangement between us, somehow.
I am really exhausted now. I am going to take two Syndols again. Forgive me :~( It's the only way to get some sleep.
All my love to you all ... forever and ever.
So there's a wee bit of news for you.
Till next time..