Hello everyone...
This is just a quick post to ask if you or anyone you would know of would like to volunteer with abandoned babies??? Coming this Thursday Sinakekele will have 5 babies, but only 1 full-time volunteer.
Accommodation and food is provided and it's on a beautiful property.
It's a wonderful experience. Hard work at times, but well worth it. You can do it for 2 weeks if you wish, or it's something great to do for a gap year.
If you are interested please contact me at cindeeklaudeman@mac.com or info@sinakekele.org.za
Thanks and hope to hear from anyone!!
Much love
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
A few changes
Well here I am sitting in my new place. My lease expires in the middle of this month and I told the guy who stays in a smaller room in the complex where I was staying that he could move in by the end of last month.
Are you asking why I would tell him to move in without me having a place to go? Well here's the story.
For a little over a month now I have been going back to Ruth's (Sinakekele) twi
ce a week. She has started a play g
roup for orphans. They come from a community that is up the hill from Ruths. As of now there are four. Melokuhle (Melo), Rose, Sibu and Gcinwa (I still can't pronounce it right!). They speak NO word of English.
The first day I noticed the kids were going outside to the toilet. It dawned on me that most, if not all, the houses where they stay don't have their own bathrooms, therefore they go outside or use the outhouses provided. So I tried to show them how to use the toilet. It still didn't work. I asked this zulu women the word for toilet which is emboshi (not spell
ed right). So I went to the kids and tried to explain the best I could that they must go
to the toilet inside. I would point outside and say, "emboshi ta (toilet no) and then point towards the toilet inside and say, "emboshi yebo (toilet yes). They just laughed at me and made fun of me. Some of the boys still go outside. But they are slowly getting it.
I have been going to Ruth's now for over a month and she's got the volunteer cottage up,
the nursery up,
and she has a baby!! I thought it would be a great idea to move out to the farm.
Problem... I don't have a car to get in and out 5 days of the week. I have to be in Umhlanga between 8:30/10 pm therefore I would have to stay at someones place those nights because I wouldn't have transport to get back to Ruth's.
I was in deniel about having everything sorted. I had a meeting with a lady from the committee of Sinakekele and after the m
eeting reality hit. I had no place to go! Unless God provided a vehicle for me and petrol(gas) money, I wouldn't be able to get in and out. So I had 4 days to find a place and with my funds from Canada gone and the salary I make, I couldn't afford anything in the area.
Panic sunk in.
The day that I had the meeting I went to work after and I told my boss that moving out to the farm wasn't going to work. She mentioned something about me staying in the little suite connected to the house and I said I would feel like I would be intruding. She said she would talk to her husband anyways. I was thinking not, but she told me to think about it.
The next day when I came she asked how I was and I started to cry and she said it would be okay if I stayed. She said we could try it out for a month or two and see how it works for free! I said yes. I will still be looking for my own place though...
So here I am in my nice cozy place and loving it! I feel out of place because it's so beautiful! But I'm going take it and enjoy it, because I have a feeling that I will be living in some pretty crazy place, eating some pretty crazy food, doing some pretty crazy things for God one day.
I'm excited about the future! God is good:o) And the plus side. I will still be able to go to Ruth's Monday to Friday to help out! Praise God! So things worked out in the end. I'm still floored by His faithfulness!
Since being here everything has been falling ino place. I got my nice little place which my funds sustained me until now. Got a great job and a scooter. Got a new place for free and I get to do what I enjoy. Can't tell me this is all coincidence. Everything is perfect in His timing! Wow!
That's about it for now.. I will be staying out at Ruth's for Holiday because I can:o)
Love to you all!
Are you asking why I would tell him to move in without me having a place to go? Well here's the story.
For a little over a month now I have been going back to Ruth's (Sinakekele) twi

The first day I noticed the kids were going outside to the toilet. It dawned on me that most, if not all, the houses where they stay don't have their own bathrooms, therefore they go outside or use the outhouses provided. So I tried to show them how to use the toilet. It still didn't work. I asked this zulu women the word for toilet which is emboshi (not spell

I have been going to Ruth's now for over a month and she's got the volunteer cottage up,

Problem... I don't have a car to get in and out 5 days of the week. I have to be in Umhlanga between 8:30/10 pm therefore I would have to stay at someones place those nights because I wouldn't have transport to get back to Ruth's.
I was in deniel about having everything sorted. I had a meeting with a lady from the committee of Sinakekele and after the m

Panic sunk in.
The day that I had the meeting I went to work after and I told my boss that moving out to the farm wasn't going to work. She mentioned something about me staying in the little suite connected to the house and I said I would feel like I would be intruding. She said she would talk to her husband anyways. I was thinking not, but she told me to think about it.
The next day when I came she asked how I was and I started to cry and she said it would be okay if I stayed. She said we could try it out for a month or two and see how it works for free! I said yes. I will still be looking for my own place though...
So here I am in my nice cozy place and loving it! I feel out of place because it's so beautiful! But I'm going take it and enjoy it, because I have a feeling that I will be living in some pretty crazy place, eating some pretty crazy food, doing some pretty crazy things for God one day.
I'm excited about the future! God is good:o) And the plus side. I will still be able to go to Ruth's Monday to Friday to help out! Praise God! So things worked out in the end. I'm still floored by His faithfulness!
Since being here everything has been falling ino place. I got my nice little place which my funds sustained me until now. Got a great job and a scooter. Got a new place for free and I get to do what I enjoy. Can't tell me this is all coincidence. Everything is perfect in His timing! Wow!
That's about it for now.. I will be staying out at Ruth's for Holiday because I can:o)
Love to you all!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Scooter of Death....

I have some time to kill so I'm gonna catch you up to what's going on.
Things are going really good here. God is good! I've started working and it's not waitressing! Praise God! I got a job tutoring a kid here in Umhlanga Rocks(pronounced Umshlanga). It's perfect. It far exceed the amount I was hoping for and it's just right around the corner from me.

When I first started they gave me a bike to get back and forth, which was wonderful. Then they decided to buy me a scooter! Even more wonderful!
If you see this Ross Boss... Sorry about the one picture, but I like!!!!
I got a story, actually three stories...
Story #1
The day I got my scooter my friend that lives above me had to fetch it for me because I've never rode on a scooter before. We were on our way home and he just about made it until he took the last turn to our place. Well he took the corner a wee bit fast and he pani

Story #2

When I work I usually work anywhere between 3:30 and 5 for a couple hours. This particular day I started around 4:30, but I had to be at my church around 6. As soon as I got off work I had to rush home and get ready.On my way to the church, I was in such a rush that as soon as I turned the corner to get out of my drive way I did the same thing Andrew did. I opened up instead of pulling the break and there I went. I hit the curb. The first thing I did was look around to see if anyone saw me. No one saw, thank God!! I was so embarrassed! Poor Andrew, he had a few people see him fall. So I got up and quick, recomposed myself and drove a little bit more carefully up to church.
Story #3
Every Friday we have youth with Destiny (my church). We have been recording skits during the week to show on Fri

I'm not letting anyone drive my scooter (which I'm thinking of calling satans trap) unless they are wearing a helmet.... Maybe...
So things are going really good here. I'm becoming more involved with the church and youth, I gots me a good job, and I gots me scooter. God has been so good and how can I question His plans for me. He's provided from day one. From the place that I'm living to the food I eat. And it's only going to get better! "Seek and you will find, ask and it will be given to you, knock and the door will be opened."
He is Faithful and True:o)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Back in SA
Hello. I am here. Excellent:o)
I arrived here after a thrilling 43 hour journey. Connections and such went nice a smooth. I watched lots of movies (The Curious Case of Benji Button is not good! I actually didn't watch it on the plane, but I would still like to know why it's got such great reviews????)
The movies I did watch were all depressing movies:o( Two people fall in love, and one of them dies... Umm... The wrestler... and.. I can't remember what else I watched). The book I was reading had a sad ending. But I'm here now which makes everything all better:o)
Oh, let me say. Getting through SA customs is a breeze! I didn't have to take any electronics, toothpaste, phones, etc. out of my purse/carry on. When I walked through the buzzy thing (you know what I'm talking about) no one was on the other side. When my carry ons went through the X-ray, the lady behind it wasn't even looking at the screen because she was busy talking to someone else. Much better than Regina!!! But maybe they're a wee bit lax.
I'm looking forward to getting into a routine. I've started catching up on my lectures and I'm waiting for a friend to get back to me about a waitress job. I would like to do that ASAP and I think in my spare time I will help out with the church where ever they need me and if that doesn't fill enough time, I will look to volunteer somewhere else. Problem is with that is I don't have transport and there isn't any places to volunteer around here.
That is it for now. I'm thinking my life will get much more exciting and interesting by the end of the year.
I have told myself I will do a better job at updating my blog. I will try, even if it's about eating food because that is where I'm a viking:o)
I arrived here after a thrilling 43 hour journey. Connections and such went nice a smooth. I watched lots of movies (The Curious Case of Benji Button is not good! I actually didn't watch it on the plane, but I would still like to know why it's got such great reviews????)
The movies I did watch were all depressing movies:o( Two people fall in love, and one of them dies... Umm... The wrestler... and.. I can't remember what else I watched). The book I was reading had a sad ending. But I'm here now which makes everything all better:o)
Oh, let me say. Getting through SA customs is a breeze! I didn't have to take any electronics, toothpaste, phones, etc. out of my purse/carry on. When I walked through the buzzy thing (you know what I'm talking about) no one was on the other side. When my carry ons went through the X-ray, the lady behind it wasn't even looking at the screen because she was busy talking to someone else. Much better than Regina!!! But maybe they're a wee bit lax.
I'm looking forward to getting into a routine. I've started catching up on my lectures and I'm waiting for a friend to get back to me about a waitress job. I would like to do that ASAP and I think in my spare time I will help out with the church where ever they need me and if that doesn't fill enough time, I will look to volunteer somewhere else. Problem is with that is I don't have transport and there isn't any places to volunteer around here.
That is it for now. I'm thinking my life will get much more exciting and interesting by the end of the year.
I have told myself I will do a better job at updating my blog. I will try, even if it's about eating food because that is where I'm a viking:o)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Pictures of my family on our Capetown/garden route trip
Kelvin and Heather (My brother and his wife) on Table Mountain in front of Capetown.
Our Christmas dinner of yummy pies... Mmmm.

Me and Kelvin on top of Table Mountain.

On the way to Cape Point. Except for the lion. That was later on on the trip.

Kelvin would make pull over, what seemed to be every 5 min. to take pictures!!
Kelvin decided to go for a walk with his boiled eggs while Heather, my mom and I decided to stop at an Irish pub in Capetown to have a Guinness and some Irish stew.

Some random animals.

My mom, Heather and Kelvin doing some fine modeling in front of a very large tree.
Kelvin, Heather and I at the Southern most point of Africa.
Our Christmas dinner of yummy pies... Mmmm.
Me and Kelvin on top of Table Mountain.
On the way to Cape Point. Except for the lion. That was later on on the trip.
Kelvin would make pull over, what seemed to be every 5 min. to take pictures!!
Kelvin decided to go for a walk with his boiled eggs while Heather, my mom and I decided to stop at an Irish pub in Capetown to have a Guinness and some Irish stew.
My mom, Heather and Kelvin doing some fine modeling in front of a very large tree.
Kelvin, Heather and I at the Southern most point of Africa.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Finally I get to go back!!!!
Well my planned three months in Canada has now turned into 4 and a half months instead of 3. Why you ask? My VISA. Wow, what a hectic time from getting my radiological report to the South African Embassy having my passport for close to two months.
I got back mid January to -50! Eish! One of the coldest winters in years! Here we are in mid May and it's still a wee bit chilly, 8 above. Looking forward to the plus 20 weather next week!!! Yeah.
My time here has been good. I just stayed under the radar and didn't socialize too much. It's just easier for me to do that when I'm here for a short time. I filled in most my time with work and yes I went back to Joey's Only:o)
Mid March came around and I started to work on getting the proper documents for my VISA. Everything was going fine until my radiological report. To get a VISA from South Africa you have to get an X-ray of your chest to prove that you don't have TB. I don't have TB, but the problem was getting back the form that the radiologist had to sign. What usually takes a week took a month.
I finally got all my documents collected for my VISA by the end of April. Now just to send it in. Before I sent in all my documents I called the embassy and asked them how long it takes. They said it would take 7-10 business days.
Just a note. I've had problems with the embassy before. The very first time I went to South Africa I had to change my ticket because I didn't get my passport back in time, so this time I wanted to make sure they had enough time before I booked my ticket. Also, I wrote them a note to contact me as soon as possible if there was problems.
I gave them a month. Bad plan!
3 weeks after I sent in my documents and a week before I was supposed to leave, they called. There was a problem with my acceptance letter for college. I got a new acceptance letter and sent it to them via e-mail 3 days before I was supposed to leave. They called me the day before I was supposed to leave and said they just received my e-mail. I had to change my ticket. I asked them before I changed my ticket if two weeks would be enough time for them to process my VISA and the embassy told me yes. So I gave them another two weeks. Bad plan again!
A week after I got a call from the embassy to tell me there was another problem with the acceptance letter. I got a new letter done and sent it to them right away. This accpetance letter was fine but there was a problem with my itinerary. They needed an updated one. I sent it four times by e-mail and they said they didn't receive it. My goodness!!!
I didn't get my passport in time so I had to change my ticket.. Again! As soon as I got my new itinerary I faxed it, e-mailed it from both my accounts and my travel agent sent it, so they had no excuses!!!
Just to add onto the stress I couldn't get in touch with them. All I wanted to know what was going on. I called several times, as did my travel agent. And they NEVER call back. They only call when they need to get a hold of you.
Well they called back last week and to tell me my passport is on it's way and today I opened up my mail box and there it is! My precious passport!
I'm going/coming back to SA baby and I couldn't be more stoked!!!
Whoo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got back mid January to -50! Eish! One of the coldest winters in years! Here we are in mid May and it's still a wee bit chilly, 8 above. Looking forward to the plus 20 weather next week!!! Yeah.
My time here has been good. I just stayed under the radar and didn't socialize too much. It's just easier for me to do that when I'm here for a short time. I filled in most my time with work and yes I went back to Joey's Only:o)
Mid March came around and I started to work on getting the proper documents for my VISA. Everything was going fine until my radiological report. To get a VISA from South Africa you have to get an X-ray of your chest to prove that you don't have TB. I don't have TB, but the problem was getting back the form that the radiologist had to sign. What usually takes a week took a month.
I finally got all my documents collected for my VISA by the end of April. Now just to send it in. Before I sent in all my documents I called the embassy and asked them how long it takes. They said it would take 7-10 business days.
Just a note. I've had problems with the embassy before. The very first time I went to South Africa I had to change my ticket because I didn't get my passport back in time, so this time I wanted to make sure they had enough time before I booked my ticket. Also, I wrote them a note to contact me as soon as possible if there was problems.
I gave them a month. Bad plan!
3 weeks after I sent in my documents and a week before I was supposed to leave, they called. There was a problem with my acceptance letter for college. I got a new acceptance letter and sent it to them via e-mail 3 days before I was supposed to leave. They called me the day before I was supposed to leave and said they just received my e-mail. I had to change my ticket. I asked them before I changed my ticket if two weeks would be enough time for them to process my VISA and the embassy told me yes. So I gave them another two weeks. Bad plan again!
A week after I got a call from the embassy to tell me there was another problem with the acceptance letter. I got a new letter done and sent it to them right away. This accpetance letter was fine but there was a problem with my itinerary. They needed an updated one. I sent it four times by e-mail and they said they didn't receive it. My goodness!!!
I didn't get my passport in time so I had to change my ticket.. Again! As soon as I got my new itinerary I faxed it, e-mailed it from both my accounts and my travel agent sent it, so they had no excuses!!!
Just to add onto the stress I couldn't get in touch with them. All I wanted to know what was going on. I called several times, as did my travel agent. And they NEVER call back. They only call when they need to get a hold of you.
Well they called back last week and to tell me my passport is on it's way and today I opened up my mail box and there it is! My precious passport!
I'm going/coming back to SA baby and I couldn't be more stoked!!!
Whoo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Hi, I'm home in Canada. But only for 3 months
I had problems with my VISA so here I am sorting it out!
I had problems with my VISA so here I am sorting it out!
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