I have some time to kill so I'm gonna catch you up to what's going on.
Things are going really good here. God is good! I've started working and it's not waitressing! Praise God! I got a job tutoring a kid here in Umhlanga Rocks(pronounced Umshlanga). It's perfect. It far exceed the amount I was hoping for and it's just right around the corner from me.

When I first started they gave me a bike to get back and forth, which was wonderful. Then they decided to buy me a scooter! Even more wonderful!
If you see this Ross Boss... Sorry about the one picture, but I like!!!!
I got a story, actually three stories...
Story #1
The day I got my scooter my friend that lives above me had to fetch it for me because I've never rode on a scooter before. We were on our way home and he just about made it until he took the last turn to our place. Well he took the corner a wee bit fast and he pani

Story #2

When I work I usually work anywhere between 3:30 and 5 for a couple hours. This particular day I started around 4:30, but I had to be at my church around 6. As soon as I got off work I had to rush home and get ready.On my way to the church, I was in such a rush that as soon as I turned the corner to get out of my drive way I did the same thing Andrew did. I opened up instead of pulling the break and there I went. I hit the curb. The first thing I did was look around to see if anyone saw me. No one saw, thank God!! I was so embarrassed! Poor Andrew, he had a few people see him fall. So I got up and quick, recomposed myself and drove a little bit more carefully up to church.
Story #3
Every Friday we have youth with Destiny (my church). We have been recording skits during the week to show on Fri

I'm not letting anyone drive my scooter (which I'm thinking of calling satans trap) unless they are wearing a helmet.... Maybe...
So things are going really good here. I'm becoming more involved with the church and youth, I gots me a good job, and I gots me scooter. God has been so good and how can I question His plans for me. He's provided from day one. From the place that I'm living to the food I eat. And it's only going to get better! "Seek and you will find, ask and it will be given to you, knock and the door will be opened."
He is Faithful and True:o)
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